Tuesday, May 5, 2020

GURPS Alternate Melee Weapon Skills

I wrote this two years ago (2018) and posted it on the GURPS Discord because I was dissatisfied with the way GURPS handles the differences between two handed and one handed weapons. It got good feedback at the time, but it's otherwise been languishing in the archives of that server. I recently thought of it again, and even saw someone asking about it. So without further ado.

Alternate Melee Weapon skills

Polearm, Spear, Staff

No changes are made to these skills.


Each skill defaults at -2 per step of difference, Plus familiarity penalties.
Familiarity Penalties:
-1 per 20% of weight difference or -1 per 6" of length difference, whichever is worse.

The new skills and the old skills they replace are as follows:


Fencing retreats and such are now 'style' related. Take a perk to represent the appropriate training and stylistic knowledge for fencing retreats. (However, I do agree with ME of Chainlink and Concrete; Fencing Parry is bunk.)


    Two Handed Sword.
Note: Greatsword ONLY refers to the use huge, heavy blades that usually require two hands to use such as Zweihander and Greatsword. The GM may decide if this includes Bastard Swords as they do straddle the line between Two handed swords and Long swords. They can arguably belong in Greatsword as most of their uses have reach 2, this means that Greatsword applies to the one handed use of a Bastard Sword, but not to the two-handed use of a Longsword. That is still Longsword.

New Techniques

Defaults: Shortsword -2 or Knife -3
Allows one to claim the +2 in a quick contest to disarm an opponent.

Default Shortsword -3 or Fast Draw (Sword) -3
This is the fast switching of a Tonfa's grip, as the skill described on B209

Axes and Maces

Two Handed Flail and Two Handed Axe/Mace no longer exist, there is just Flail, and Axe/Mace. A player may chose to either start with training in one or two handed version of the weapon. Optionally, if the GM wishes to have distinction , Two handed Flail and Two Handed Axe/Mace may be average techniques based on Flail and Axe/Mace respectively with a default of -2, but I personally think familiarity should be enough.
Important: Familiarity still applies, but it is -1 per 2 lbs of weight difference. (Adjusted for SM scale)

Extra Detail

Differences in blade geometry and grips are important! As another familiarity penalty that the GM can optionally use is -1 to -2 for radical differences in blade design (on top of weight and length differences), for example, a European knight used to Arming swords would find the totally different blade geometry of a Japanese Katana mystifying, and require a considerable amount of time to overcome this. Alternately, the GM may decide that different edge alignment needs of blades do not invoke hit penalties, but instead mean that the blade will inflict crushing damage instead of cutting until they become familiar with how to align the edge of their new weapon with their target.

The Logic Behind The Changes

It's rather simple. Why does a warrior experience a -3 or worse penalty simply for placing another hand on his weapon? Does his knowledge of the balance of his weapon change? Why is it that half-swording (Low Tech page 111) does not experience such a penalty? It's very inconsistent. These changes mirror those of Alternate Gun Specialities and Techniques from Pyramid 3/65 Alternate GURPS III.

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